DB Therapeutic & Advanced Bodywork
Professional Advanced Mobile Therapy For Human & Horse


 DB Therapeutic & Advanced Bodywork 

Mobile Therapy For Human and Horse

Tel: 919-333-7641

Service area: 

Wendell, Zebulon, Clayton, Wilson

and Surrounding Areas

Clinic Location and Hours:

4150 Wendell Blvd

Wendell, NC 27591

Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays


“Whatever peace I know rests in the natural world, in feeling myself a part of it, even in a small way.” Mary Sarton". 

Experience the difference of how DBT can help you succeed on your wellness Journey.

While traditional therapy mirrors a medical system that too often temporarily alleviates symptoms, DB Advanced Bodywork considers the whole body and endeavors to find the root cause of your pain and dysfunction. 

The body parts and systems do not work in isolation, and modern medicine’s organization into medical specialties and sub-specialties does not lend itself well to appreciating the whole individual.

Many types of body lesions (circulatory, neural, fascial, lymphatic, muscular, organ, energetic) can be identified and treated with evidence-based advanced bodywork using a combination of osteopathic techniques.  Quite frequently, these lesions are distantly located from the area of reported symptoms and pain, but the body always provides clues leading a trained practitioner to dysfunction. 


DB Therapeutic Advanced Bodywork can help with: 

  • Shoulder/neck/wrist/hip/knee/foot Pain & dysfunction 
  • Whiplash
  • Digestion issues
  • TMJ Disorder
  • Migraines
  • Sciatica
  • Movement and balance 
  • Surgery rehab
  • Chronic Pain
  • Improving quality of motion
  • Adults with Disabilities and Developmental Delays 



DB Therapeutic Advanced Bodywork  techniques designed to meet your specific needs. DBT uses over 30 years of clinical experience to provide profound deep healing bio-mechanical work. Specializing in:


  •         Craniosacral Therapy

  •         Visceral Manipulation

  • Craniosacral Therapy: Human (CST) Horse (EQCST)

  • Neuromuscular Therapy: Release/Re-Training (NMT) 

  • Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF)

  •        Adults With Disabilities and Developmental Delays
  • Surgery Rehab 

  • 65 years and older

  •        Fitting Orthopedic Braces

  • Education on Body Mechanics, Functional Mobility & Ergonomics

  • Personalized Stretching and Corrective Movements


Free 20 minute consultations to discuss your goals any questions you may have prior to scheduling a session.

Easy ways to pay. DBT is considered a healthcare provided with the state of NC. This means Health Savings Account and the like may be reimbursable by your insurance provider via an emailed receipt for your Advanced Bodywork Treatments. DBT accepts: cash and checks. All Square transaction will be charged $10 processing fee.

Scheduling Fee: DBT requires a 50% scheduling fee for all first time clients and for following sessions, outside of a Pre-Paid Package, in other words there is no scheduling fee for any prepaid sessions. The fee is non-returnable.  The fee is applied to the cost of the session. 

Clinic Location for your convenience: Monday's, Wednesday's and Fridays. 

4150 Wendell Blvd

Wendell, NC 27591

No Travel Fees within 20 miles of Corinth Holders Elementary School.  $20 travel fee for travel greater than 20 miles from Corinth Holders Elementary School. 

No additional charge for: Cupping, Cold Stones, Ergonomics, Orthopedic brace fitting.  

DBT offers completive and affordable loyalty Packages after the 5th session.   

DBT offers group rates to Assisted Living Facilities (ALF). Call for details

DBT also provides no charge after session care, going above and beyond a standard treatment session, providing education on proper body mechanics, ergonomics, energy conservation and joint protection tech, corrective movement routines and non pharmaceutical pain management techniques. Also, upon requested, Purpose and function of Splints and braces (example: back, knee and wrist/hand) is provided.

A Few of the Many Benefits of Advanced Bodywork:

  • Reduces/ Eliminates Different Types of Physical Pain
  • Improved sleep 
  • Improved Digestive issues 
  • Muscle Movement Optimization 
  • Postural Corrections
  • Soft Tissue Trauma/ Surgery Recovery
  • Correct Compensatory patterns
  • Helps treat Acute Conditions
  • Optimize quality of life managing Adult Disabilities or Developmental Delays  

Call today to take advantage of your free 20 min consultation and schedule an appointment 


call or text tel:919-333-7641 

email dbtmassage@protonmail.com 

Business Card https://www.dibiz.com/dbtmassage


Thank you for visiting!